Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well, what an interesting night around here! I babysat for my grandpuppy, Ralph, the min-pin. He is a puppy, so he is full of energy! And Dizzy is not a puppy and is in NO way amused, nor does Dizzy want to be friends. Instead, he prefers to growl and attack him. To which Ralph doesnt understand, cuz he wants to be friends sooooo bad! Poor Ralphie! So, I spent my evening trying to keep them apart, which was not easy. Jimmy was not in the mood for it and was less than pleasant...Happy New Year's Eve to me...NOT!
But, eventually, Jimmy took Dizzy and went to bed and me and Ralphie just hung out downstairs. Then we went to bed, in Brittany's room and he wasnt too bad. He slept most of the night with a little bit of whining. I did hear some fireworks at midnight and looked out the window in time to see a beautiful white fireworks display at the Alexander's house. It was really pretty!
So, this morning, the fun has begun. Ralph continues to try to play with Dizzy and Jack (the cat) and neither are interested in the least. Hopefully, things will settle down a little. Samantha will be picking him up today...thank you Lord. LOVE my Ralphie, but it is hectic around here with him. He is a sweetie too, I feel so bad for him!
Other plans for today include cleaning, laundry and the grocery store. Never a dull moment in my life!